mit Linda und Russell Delman
9./10. Februar 2019
Ich freue mich sehr, dass Linda und Russell Delman wieder einen Embodied Life Workshop im schönen Ya Wali in München unterrichten werden.
Ihr Unterricht ist geprägt durch ihre warmherzige Art ohne Leistungsdruck. Linda und Russell werden Sitz, und Gehmeditation ( ZEN basierend), Feldenkrais Bewegungslektionen und Guided Inquiry (dies beinhaltet verschieden Übungen aus dem Focusing nach Eugene Gendlin) unterrichten.
Die Unterrichtssprache ist Englisch. (Da die Beiden oft in Europa unterrichten, ist dies auch für non native speaker gut verständlich)
Linda Evans Delman has been an international consultant and educator in the fields of psychology, movement and spirituality for over 30 years. She began her professional training with Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais in 1980. Linda was authorized as a trainer of Feldenkrais® practitioners, an educational director and
organizer of Feldenkrais® Professional Training Programs.
Linda became Adjunct Faculty of the Embodied LifeTM School in 2015 and has completed the Embodied Life Mentorship Program (ELMP). Deeply influenced by Nature, Anthroposophy, Eurythmy, she considers her path to be a living meditation of service.
Russell Delman has been teaching Embodied
Awareness since 1975 and has been studying in the Zen tradition of Shunryu Suzuki for more than 45 years.
He has studied closely with: Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais, Dr. Robert Hall and Dr. Eugene Gendlin. Other powerful influences include Rudolf Steiner, Non-Violent Communication and his work with Mother Teresa in India. Russell has helped educate more than 25oo Feldenkrais practitioners. With his wife Linda, he established “Sophia’s Sanctuary”, a retreat center in northern California.
Datum: 9./10. Februar 2019 ( Samstag und Sonntag)
Zeit: 9.30 -16.30 Uhr an beiden Tagen
Ort: Ya Wali, Kirchenstrasse 15, 81675 München
U-Bahn Haltestelle Max Weber Platz
Kosten: Frühbucherrabatt bis 9. Januar 220 Euro , danach 250 Euro ,
ELMP students halbe Kursgebühr
Anmeldung unter
Bei Fragen: Kontakt hier in Deutschland, Martina Walther
mobil: 0160 3711057